
The Principle


Conventional methods used to image thin transparent material only image in two dimensions when samples are in reality, three dimensional. Tomocubes Holotomography (HT) solves this problem.
Just as a CT scan uses X-ray absorptivity as the imaging contrast to see inside a patient
s organs without invasive procedures, HT uses the refractive index (RI), an intrinsic optical parameter describing the speed of light passing a specific material, to visualize the internal structure of thin transparent material. As light traverses through a sample, the various constituents scatter light differently based on their refractive index. By illuminating an imaging beam around the sample, we can capture a sequence of holograms from different angles. The resulting multiple 2D hologram images of the sample obtained from various illumination angles can be reconstructed into a 3D RI tomogram.

How is this achieved?

The imaging beam illuminates the sample with a certain incident angle and pattern. illuminating beam passes through with respect to the optical axis. From the set of series of overlapping captured holograms RI tomogram of the sample is then reconstructed.

Patented Technology

The Tomocube HT-X1 system uses a Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) to enable the illumination beam generation. We developed our proprietary technology to precisely control the intensity and angle of the beam reflected from a DMD. The patented technology behind the beam generation provides unique advantages over other methods. Highly stable, fast, and reliable electronic control of the light path through the DMD eliminates moving parts for better stability and improved image resolution. Combined with the high speed of the detector, the full 3D data set can be captured in a few seconds.

The DMD consists of several hundred thousand micromirrors arranged in a rectangular array. Each individual mirror can be rapidly tilted electronically to create a mirror pattern that can rotate the beam through 360º around the optical axis at the desired angle.


TomoStudio X

Features & Benefits